Repeated, interactive read alouds are a technique developed based on research to support the comprehension and vocabulary development of young children. This technique has been shown…
“…to be effective in increasing children’s engagement, understanding, and appreciation of literature in kindergarten settings”
– Lea McGee and Judith Schickedanz
We have been using this technique for a few years, but sometimes forget how valuable it is and need to remind ourselves that even though we may not want to hear the same story again, the children are often engaged and gain new insight with each repeated read.
Some of our reflections from the past year:
Carefully and intentionally selecting the story that we chose to read aloud (not just “picking” a book quickly or because we “like it”)
Whole Group, Small Group? We thought a lot about the structure in terms ofgrouping this past year, we experimented by doing read alouds both as a whole andsmall group and found benefits to both structures.
Be Intentional and Prepared: record your questions or vocabulary that you plan todiscuss on a sticky note on the back of the book or nearby.
Do NOT stop during the first reading: stopping often to ask questions or takequestions will impact the flow and comprehension (especially during first reading), asmuch as possible we tried to read through the whole book on the first daywithout interrupting.
Redirect: Although there are times when we will follow the children’s interests orlead, there are also teachable moments where we have to redirect back to thequestion or focus of the story.
What does a Repeated Read Aloud look like?
There is no right or wrong way, you may read the same story 2, 3, or 5 times!Below is a structure that we follow and find that it supports both vocabulary and comprehension development in our classroom.
Some stories will lead to extensions during Learning Centres, some won’t! It isimportant to note that not all books will be repeated read alouds either. Sometimes wejust read for the pleasure of reading with children too.
Day 1:
Activating Prior Knowledge, Building Knowledge (zone in on makingconnections, oral language)Just Read – No Stopping!
Day 2:
Five Finger Retell (re-read, then ask…)
Day 3:
Re-Read and Vocabulary
• Stop and focus in on vocabulary (discuss, brainstorm examples, use in sentence etc)
• Select words that you will discuss in advance
Day 4:
Higher Order Questioning
• Asking, discussing, reflecting on high order questioning
• “between the lines” questions
• Does the text support any extensions for learning centres?
• How can students engage with the text further after reading? (e.g., in book nook, listening centre)
Sample Repeated Read Aloud Plans:
This summer we had a workshop on Early Literacy. Educators created plans for Repeated Read Alouds and we thought we would share some of them below. These are simply suggestions and ideas, as always think about what makes sense for your children and community. Our goal is to continue to add to this list throughout the year with books that we use and find interesting!
Red: A Crayon’s Story – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
The Invisible Boy – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
The Day the Crayons Came Home – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Tops and Bottoms – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
I Am Yoga – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Puff the Magic Dragon – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Paper Bag Princess – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Malaika’s Costume – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Ask Me – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
The Curious Garden – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
Ellie – Repeated Read Aloud Plan
The Cloud – Repeated Read Aloud
Our goal is always to share as many practical ideas as possible to go along with our reflections! If you have a repeated read aloud that you would like us to add, please do share! Email us at [email protected]