Structured Literacy in Kindergarten

The buzz is big right now in how we are slowly transforming and rethinking literacy in the classroom. With excitement comes uncertainty. We test theories, we make professional judgments, we find success and we fail. Questions swirl as we research and reflect: How much is too much? How long can lessons be? Can this learning […]
Making Games Adaptable
Educators are forever creating and coming up with new ideas. What if we told you that you can use one idea and adapt in multiple ways? Whenever we are coming up with a new idea for a game, we try to keep it as open ended as possible so that we can recycle the idea […]
Proactive Conversations
Often in the classroom, challenges arise in partnerships when there is uncertainty, confusion, or differing opinions on how to best support students. When we set up and engage in discussions about our philosophies BEFORE we begin teaching together it can support educators in proactively aligning their visions of teaching and education. This is so important […]
Building Relationships in Distance Learning

We reflect on what Distance Learning looks like for us and how we are continuing to focus on community and collaboration.
Provocations: Implementing Creative Ideas
What oral steroids for sale online in usa is a provocation? Provocations are simply put, invitations for learning. They can range in what they look like from a simple picture or prop to something more intricate like a sensory bin apparatus. Are there different types of provocations? We love in the book, Reggio-Inspired Mathematics, that […]
Using Transition Cards to Support Wait Time
We have created different sets of cards that we use to support children through transitions. They are used to avoid long wait times for children and to check in with them or practice simple skills through different games. We try to keep the cards in a central, quick location (e.g., a basket in the hallway […]
Shifting Our Thinking in Whole Group Instruction
When we started our journey in Kindergarten together, we met as a whole group with the class a few times throughout the day. We wanted to maximize all of the moments of learning opportunities and scheduled in read alouds, music, math, and modeled writing. As we have continued to grow in our knowledge and understanding […]
Creating Sensory Bins
Our sensory bins have always been a difficult planning piece for us. At the end of a week, we would often sit and reflect on ways that we could change or add to our bins. We would find ourselves unsure of what new materials to provide. Sometimes our provocations ended up being closed in terms […]
Planning Time: Seamless, Supportive, Creative
As the new curriculum has been implemented in Ontario, there has been a large shift to focusing on the whole child, their development, and a shift away from zoning in on direct teaching of specific skills or in teaching in “subjects”. This shift has impacted the way that many have approached planning time within their […]
Common Language through Book Club
In the world of Kindergarten, each classroom takes on different ideas, concepts, and material at different times. Gone are the days that we all learn about apples in September and pumpkins in October. However, as rooms shift to become more individualized and follow the lead of the children we have thought carefully about how we […]