QR Codes in Kindergarten

QR Codes in Kindergarten

This year we have explored some new ways to use QR codes in our classroom. We are excited about some of the possibilities in the unique ways that they can be easily incorporated! What is a QR code?It is machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs […]

Relationships: The Foundation of Documentation

How many times have you been in the classroom with your iPad or notebook in your hands ready to write or document….and 30 minutes later it’s blank? Or how about when you join in play and the moment you begin to write the children leave? It’s okay it happens to all of us! Even this […]

Documentation Panels

Documentation can be a very overwhelming topic and learning process for all educators…mostly because we are constantly searching for a “how to” or a formula to guide us towards perfecting our skills in documentation. We started a series on documentation last May, thinking carefully about the similarities and differences in how educators approach documentation. We […]

Portfolios in Full Day Kindergarten

For the past 5 years, we have used portfolios in our Kindergarten classroom. Although we supplement our portfolios with digital documentation (e.g., SeeSaw and Twitter), we feel as though the physical portfolio is a valuable part of our program. What does our portfolio look like? We use a black binder with children’s name on the […]

Digital Documentation: Seesaw

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents” – Jane D. Hull Documentation continues to be the area that we reflect on, refine, and refocus ourselves on. Keep up with documenting children’s discoveries, learning, ordinary moments, and joy can be a challenge in […]